Beyond Utilitarianism: The Role of Naga Academy

Beyond Utilitarianism: The Role of Naga Academy

Ruben Nagesparan Chandrakumar, BS

Given the necessity of the role of universities in connecting us with our divine nature, the institutions, philosophy, funding, and operations of universities within Eelam are in dire need of reform. At the core of all scientific and mathematical endeavors lies an ethical and moral duty. Due to lacking a specialized focus on fostering and developing both the character and the intellect of the students, the universities have failed tremendously. The traditions will be lost, the values will decay, and the wisdom of our ancestors will wither.

It is through the liberal arts curriculum and education that this may be resolved. By reforming the universities to serve as a beacon of guidance through socialization, individualization, and self-actualization, the culture, social relations, and vision of the nation- along with each individual that comprises it- will be radically improved. The current state of the university is bent toward a perverse utilitarianism that lacks a nuanced and wise perspective on the nature of the human psyche, the significance of the university historically, and the value of beauty.

Out of this need for a balance to the overly-rational and utilitarian style of Eelam’s universities, Naga Academy was formed. It offers a vision unparalleled in its depth to providing a liberal arts and humanities education, and hub of knowledge, for the nation. There is no other entity that exists for this purpose and no other entity that fulfills it; the Academy was built upon the fundamental idea that the university must be an institution that allows each individual to access both the wisdom and the knowledge of the past so that they may become powerful beings that are capable of understanding themselves, the cosmos, and how to behave in it.